Cutting Oil

SYNT CUT OIL, is a high quality, water soluble Semi synthetic cutting oil emulsion, produced by HVI and VHVI base oils of an exceptional quality level, and enrich with additives which protect from rust, corrosion and bacterium development. Its outstanding formulation provides excellent lubrication properties and effective cooling.

VASOIL CUTTING OIL, is a high quality, water soluble cutting oil emulsion, produced by base oils of an exceptional quality level, and enrich with additives which protect from rust, corrosion and bacterium development. Its outstanding formulation provides excellent lubrication properties and effective cooling. Recommended ratio 2% – 5%.
1.Efficient lubrication properties
2.Effective cooling properties
3.Outstanding protection from rust and corrosion
4.Increased tool life
6.Effectiveness in a wide variety of machining operations