Comprehensive Compliance

Vasoil lubricants comply and constantly seek to be in line with the most respected national and international standards, approvals and testing regimes in the European industry and beyond.

Organization: Cyprus Certification Company

Type of Org.: Certification Authority

Country: CY-EU

Protocol: CYS EN ISO 9001:2015

Reference: No. QS. 01.09.001

Organization: Cyprus Certification Company

Type of Org.: Certification Authority

Country: CY-EU

Protocol: CYS EN ISO 14001:2015

Reference: No. ES. 18.023

Organization: Environmental Accreditation Organization

Type of Org.: Collective Compliance System

Country: CY-EU

Protocol: Packaging Waste Law of 2002 (Law 32 (I) / 2002)

Reference: No. 661/2020

Organization: The International Certification Organization

Type of Org.: Certification Authority

Country: Global

Protocol: CYS EN ISO 9001:2015

Reference: CY.QS.1.09.001

Organization:The International Certification Organization

Type of Org.: Certification Authority

Country: Global

Protocol: CYS EN ISO 14001:2015

Reference: CY.ES.18.023